Qauv No.


Khoom npe

TUV Certified 60KW DC Charging Chaw nres tsheb EVSED60KW-D1-EU01

    TUV Certified DC Charging Chaw nres tsheb EVSED60KW-D1-EU01 (1)
    TUV Certified DC Charging Chaw nres tsheb EVSED60KW-D1-EU01 (2)
    TUV Certified DC Charging Chaw nres tsheb EVSED60KW-D1-EU01 (3)
    TUV Certified DC Charging Chaw nres tsheb EVSED60KW-D1-EU01 (4)
TUV Certified 60KW DC Charging Chaw nres tsheb EVSED60KW-D1-EU01 Featured duab



bjt ua


  • Txhawb M1 daim npav ID & kev them nqi.

  • IP54.

  • Kev tiv thaiv luv luv, dhau-tam sim no, tiv thaiv xob laim thiab xau. Nrog feature nres xwm ceev.

  • High-txhais LCD npo los tso saib cov ntaub ntawv them nyiaj.

  • Dynamic ntse DC fais fab sib koom tshuab.

  • Kev kuaj mob nyob deb, kho thiab kho tshiab.

  • CE certified los ntawm TUV.

  • OCPP Kev koom ua ke.

TUV Certified DC Charging Chaw nres tsheb EVSED60KW-D1-EU01


Muab kev them nyiaj ceev thiab nyab xeeb rau lithium roj teeb uas siv lub tsheb, tsheb tavxij, tsheb npav, tsheb thauj khoom pov tseg, thiab lwm yam.

  • Daim ntawv thov (2)
  • Daim ntawv thov (3)
  • Daim ntawv thov (4)
  • Daim ntawv thov (5)
  • Daim ntawv thov (1)




Hwj chim


Input Rating

400V 3ph 125A Max.

Tus naj npawb ntawm Theem / Hlau

3ph / L1, L2, L3, PE

Hwj chim Factor

> 0.98

Tam sim no THD


Kev ua tau zoo

> 95%

Hwj chim

Tso zis

Tso zis zog

60 kWm

Tso zis ntsuas

200V-750V DC

Kev tiv thaiv

Kev tiv thaiv

Tshaj tam sim no, Hauv qab voltage, dhau voltage, seem

tam sim no, Surge tiv thaiv, luv Circuit Court, Tshaj

kub, av txhaum

Cov neeg siv

Interface &



10.1 nti LCD npo & kov vaj huam sib luag

Txhawb Lus

Lus Askiv (Lwm yam lus muaj nyob rau ntawm kev thov)

Kev xaiv them nqi

Kev xaiv them nqi yuav tsum tau muab raws li qhov kev thov:

Charge los ntawm lub sij hawm, Charge los ntawm lub zog, Charge

los ntawm tus nqi

Kev them nyiaj yug interface


Pib hom

Plug & Ua Si / RFID daim npav / APP

Kev sib txuas lus


Ethernet, Wi-nkaus, 4G

Qhib Charge Point Protocol

OCPP1.6 / OCPP2.0

Ib puag ncig

Ua haujlwm kub

-20 ℃ to 55 ℃ (derating thaum tshaj 55 ℃)

Cia kub

-40 ℃ to +70 ℃

Cov av noo

<95% txheeb ze humidity, non-condensing

Qhov siab

Mus txog 2000 m (6000 ko taw)

Neeg kho tshuab

Kev tiv thaiv Ingress


Kev Tiv Thaiv Kev Tiv Thaiv Sab Nraud Mechanical Impacts

IK10 raws li IEC 62262


quab yuam cua

Charge Cable Length


Qhov Loj (W * D * H) mm

700 * 750 * 1750 hli

Qhov hnyav

280kg ua

Ua raws li

Daim ntawv pov thawj

CE / EN 61851-1/-23



Ua ntej unpacking, xyuas seb lub thawv ntoo puas puas lawm.

kev qhia installation

Tshem lub thawv ntoo. Thov siv cov cuab yeej disassembly tshaj lij.

Installation Guide (1)

Nruab qhov chaw them nyiaj rau ntawm kab rov tav, thiab xyuas kom meej tias cov teeb meem muaj ntau tshaj 0.5m deb ntawm qhov chaw them nqi.

Installation qhia (2)

Ntawm qhov xwm txheej uas lub chaw nres tsheb them hluav taws xob raug kaw, qhib lub qhov rooj ntawm lub chaw them nyiaj, thiab txuas cov khoom siv hluav taws xob ntawm lub chaw them nyiaj rau lub zog xa hluav taws xob hloov raws li theem tus lej. Txoj haujlwm no xav tau cov neeg ua haujlwm tshaj lij.

Installation qhia (3)

Dos And Don'Ts Nyob rau hauv Installation

  • Lub chaw nres tsheb them nyiaj yuav tsum tau teeb tsa kab rov tav thiab ntawm ib yam dab tsi uas tiv taus cua sov. Tsis txhob nruab nws upside down los yog obliquely.
  • Lub chaw nres tsheb them nyiaj yuav tsum tau teeb tsa nrog qhov chaw muaj cua sov txaus. Qhov kev ncua deb ntawm cov cua nkag thiab cov phab ntsa yuav tsum ntau tshaj 300mm, thiab qhov deb ntawm phab ntsa thiab lub qhov hluav taws xob cua yuav tsum ntau tshaj 1000mm.
  • Lub chaw them nqi hluav taws xob ua kom sov. Txhawm rau kom txias tau zoo dua, lub chaw them nyiaj yuav tsum ua haujlwm nyob rau hauv ib puag ncig qhov kub ntawm -20 ℃ to 55 ℃.
  • Cov khoom txawv teb chaws xws li fibers, daim ntawv, ntoo chips los yog hlau fragments yuav tsum tsis txhob nkag mus rau hauv lub charger, los yog tej zaum yuav muaj hluav taws.
  • Tom qab txuas rau lub hwj huam mov, tsis txhob kov lub charger plug connectors kom tsis txhob muaj kev pheej hmoo ntawm hluav taws xob poob siab.
  • Lub dav hlau hauv av yuav tsum tau ua kom zoo hauv av kom tsis txhob muaj hluav taws xob poob lossis hluav taws kub.
Dos And Don'Ts Nyob rau hauv Installation


  • 01

    Tom qab lub chaw nres tsheb them tau zoo txuas rau daim phiaj, tig lub cua hloov mus rau lub hwj chim ntawm lub chaw them nyiaj.

    TUV Certified (1)
  • 02

    Tshem tawm qhov chaw them nyiaj hauv lub tsheb hluav taws xob thiab txuas lub ntsaws ntsaws nrog lub chaw them nyiaj.

  • 03

    Yog hais tias qhov kev twb kev txuas yog OK, los so M1 daim npav ntawm daim npav swiping cheeb tsam kom pib them.

    TUV Certified (3)
  • 04

    Tom qab them nyiaj tiav lawm, los so M1 daim npav ntawm daim npav swiped cheeb tsam dua kom tsis txhob them.

    TUV Certified (4)
  • Dos thiab Don'ts hauv Kev Ua Haujlwm

    • Lub zog hluav taws xob yuav tsum tau txuas nrog raws li kev taw qhia ntawm cov kws tshaj lij.
    • Ua ntej them nyiaj, thov xyuas kom meej tias qhov chaw nres nkoj them yog dawb los ntawm cov dej stains, cov khoom txawv teb chaws, thiab cov hlua hluav taws xob tsis puas.
    • Thaum lub sijhawm them nyiaj, thov nias lub pob "tawm xwm txheej ceev" kom tsis txhob them nyiaj thaum muaj xwm txheej.
    • Nws yog txwv tsis pub rub tawm lub ntsaws ntsaws thiab pib lub tsheb thaum lub sijhawm them nyiaj.
    • Tsis txhob disassemble lossis kho cov cuab yeej no yog tias koj tsis yog kws tshaj lij.
    • Nws yog nruj me ntsis txwv tsis pub kov lub charger jack.
    • Tsis pub leej twg nyob hauv lub tsheb thaum them nyiaj.
    • Ntxuav cov cua nkag thiab qhov hluav taws xob txhua 30 hnub.
    • Tsis txhob disassemble lub ev charger ntawm koj tus kheej, los yog koj yuav ntsib hluav taws xob poob siab. charger kuj yuav puas thaum koj disassembling thiab koj yuav tsis txaus siab rau qhov kev pab cuam tom qab muag vim hais tias.
    Dos And Don'Ts In Installatio

    Dos thiab Don'ts nyob rau hauv kev siv lub Charging Plug

    • Kev sib txuas ntawm lub charger plug thiab lub charger socket yuav tsum zoo txaus, thiab lub buckle ntawm lub charger plug yuav tsum tau muab tso rau hauv qhov zoo ntawm lub qhov (socket) them, txwv tsis pub lub charger yuav poob.
    • Tsis txhob rub lub charger plug nyuaj thiab ntxhib, tab sis ua tib zoo saib xyuas.
    • Thaum lub ntsaws ntsaws tsis siv, npog nws nrog lub hau yas kom tiv thaiv dej thiab plua plav nkag mus rau hauv.
    • Nws yog txwv tsis pub muab lub ntsaws ntsaws rau hauv av randomly.
    Dos And Don'Ts Nyob rau hauv Installation

    Cov lus qhia hauv Emergency Unlocking

    • Thaum lub ntsaws ntsaws ntsaws ntsaws rau hauv qhov chaw them nyiaj thiab tsis tuaj yeem rub tawm, ntxig lub xauv lub khawm maj mam mus rau hauv lub qhov qhib thaum muaj xwm ceev.
    • Txav mus rau lub bar mus rau kev taw qhia ntawm plug connector kom qhib lub ntsaws.
    • Daim Ntawv Ceeb Toom: Kev qhib qhov xwm txheej ceev tsis tso cai kom txog thaum muaj xwm txheej ceev.
    Dos And Don'Ts In Installatio